Sunday, February 26, 2012

Crested Serpent-eagle (Spilornis cheela) Habituation

Crested Serpent-eagle (Spilornis cheela)
Description: Sized being (50 cm), dark colored. Very broad rounded wings, short tail. Adults: upper body dark brown gray, brown the lower body. Abdomen, sides, and white speckled stomach, there is a wide gray line in the middle of the black stripes on the tail. Crest short and wide, black and white. His trademark is the yellow skin without hair between the eyes and beak. At the time fly, wide white stripes seen on the tail and the white line on the edge of the rear wing. Bornean races have paler brown color. Teens: like adults, but more brown and more white on the feathers. Iris yellow, brown-gray beak, yellow feet.Sound: Very noisy hovering above the forest, loud and shrill sound "kiu-liu", "kwiik-kwi", or "ke-liik liik" typical, with an emphasis on the last two notes, and "kokokoko "softly.Global deployment: India, southern China, southeast Asia, Palawan, and the Great Sunda.Deployment of local and state: There are in all the Great Sunda and probably the most common hawk in the wooded area to a height of 1900 m.Habits: Often circular flying over the forests and plantations, between partners often call each other. At the time of courtship, the couple noticed a stunning aerobatic gerkan although usually not very nimble. Often perched on a large branch in the forest shade, watching the surface below it.

Maintenance activities of Crested Serpent-eagle (Spilornis cheela) Habituation
Sermo Reservoir wildlife sanctuary is a place in-situ conservation districts located in Kulon Progo Yogyakara. This area was once a forest and then a new production in the 2000s Kulon Progo district make it a wildlife Sanctuary. Besides being used as a Wildlife Sanctuary, this place is also used as a tourist attraction because its Dam scenery is so beautiful. Sermo Reservoir was deliberately made in this place because its location is suitable to hold water for the community. And plus most of the people there living as farmers.
State of vegetation at the Sermo Reservoir Wildlife Sanctuary is dominated by commercial trees such as teak (Tectona grandis), Accacia (Accacia auriculiformis / Accacia mangium), Cajuput (Melaleuca cajuputi), and Mahogany (Switenia macrophylla). Although nowadays there are also plant shrubs and other herbaceous plants. Because this place is the Wildlife Refuge so not allowed to take wood, cut down, even to hunt wildlife in the area. This makes the biodiversity in the Sermo Reservoir Wildlife Sanctuary diverse.
State of dense vegetation allows a lot of wildlife such as reptiles, amphibians, rodentia, birds and other mammals inhabit the area. A good ecological state is the one who becomes a condition for release of wildlife. In this article we know that that is released is Crested Serpent-eagle. Crested Serpent-eagle is often found in wooded areas everywhere. IUCN provides status Least Concern (LC) because there are many on earth. Although many in number but are still wild animals protected by the Act, especially in Indonesia. Crested Serpent-eagle is used to be confiscated from BKSDA which are then submitted in Jogja Animal Rescue Center to be treated and prepared for reintroduction. Eagles are relatively easy to adapt to the environment because of the first he just already wild. So that not only takes long enough to restore the wild instinc and then put into the cage habituation. This eagle habituation cage should be made at the place where he will reintroduction, and also the circumstances surrounding the enclosure must be considered later. Keep realease location away from the plot habitat local Crested Serpent-eagle. Location for release on Sermo, Crested Serpent-eagle can be said right but also there is abundant food also other types of Crested Serpent-eagle. Crested Serpent-eagle is not only alone but also the type of migrant raptors such as Oriental Honey Buzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus), Japanse Sparrowhawk (Accipiter gularis), and the Chinese Goshawk (Accipiter soloensis). All three migrated each year up to March to October. Raptors is a territorial bird they often attack other raptors that enter its territory. But the types of the above is not a raptors, raptors is probably due to their aggressive terlau migrants. It is possible also when Crested Serpent-eagle to be released that will fight for territory with the local Crsted Serpent-eagle reintroduction in the plot despite the distant. This is because the Eagles wide cruising range. But it will not last long because they merupakam one species and there is likely to breed. This is in contrast with the Changeable Hawk-eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) more aggressive than Crested Serpent-eagle. Before releasing Cresred Serpent-eagle in the Sermo, Changeable Hawk-eagle is the escape from the habituation cage and berhabitat at the Sermo Reservoir Wildlife Sanctuary. And it's the first time at the Sermo Reservoir Wildlife Sanctuary consist Changeable Hawk-eagle, but this is not an issue on ecosystems and food chains that exist, although competition for prey remains.
Back again in the habituation cage, habituation cage was indeed made such that the Eagle may be closer to their habitat. This cage is made of iron nets and bamboo berkerangkaan approximately 5 feet tall. The eagle was guarding habituation cage should be routinely given to eat, their prey include lizards, guinea pigs, and mice. Guarding the cage habituation generally for about 1 week (depending on the readiness of the Eagle for reintroduction), but also better if the Eagles placed in the cage habituation longer (2 weeks) because we can maximize the behavior noted hawk, the existing data processing, and establish that eagle reintroduction may be in place. In observation of behavior in the cage habituation Eagles have also been observed in areas outside of the cage habituation if the area is visited or passed other raptors. Techniques to release the eagles do not win it from the cage and but we open the cage and let it fly. Monitoring conducted by several teams that are scattered at various points for the observation of Eagle behavior. It is very important to know the development of the Eagle in the wild as well as data from field studies are then reported. To facilitate the identification of the monitoring eagle, eagle have been fitted wing marker, ring foot (appeal), and microchip. Old from monitoring eagle itself is 21 days, this time is effective enough to know the behavior of the Eagle in the wild.
MacKinnon, Jhon, K. Phillips & B.V. Balen. 2010. Burung-burung di Sumatera, Jawa, Bali dan Kalimantan (Termasuk Sabah, Serawak dan Brunei Darussalam).

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Community Forest & State Forest

A history of forests in Indonesia began in the 18th century by the Dutch. The system adopted from European countries (Germany). The system is trying to manage forests to meet the growing needs of carpentry. In this case using a monoculture which will then be harvested entirely at any given time.
Logging system is planned from the beginning and the types are commercial trees with economic goals. Plantations have a weakness for the rest of ecological terms. Contonya land on Java was initially not so good, and then rehabilitate the community to resolve the issue. They use the land to be able to cope with economic problems. Another example is the forest in Central Java can be harvested with the results of more than 10 million rupiah per m2 every 15 years. Results are harvested by people in the last year and people can take the benefits. In the national forests are encouraged to improve the country's economy.
In this case although the state forests managed by the state, but now the public can access the country's forests, as this is done to obtain cheap labor in managing the forest.
For example, the forest around Yogyakarta Wanagama ecological situation is better than the state forest, because the vegetation is diverse and not rest. The condition of standing crops tend to be meeting with teak (Tectona grandis), Acacia (Accacia auriculiformis), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp.), Mahogany (Switenia macrophylla), elephant grass, etc.. Among the vegetation are the most dominant oak because it is often needed and is adapted to the needs of the community in the future.
Farming culture adapted to the forest by the needs of the community, so not very big consequences for the ecosystem (negative result). The forests are also using the system for the results, which means the management of shared and enjoyed together the results produced citizens who manage it. Forest conditions compared to the state forest if the review on the ecological aspects of forests has a diversity of plant species that have a variety of functions. Agroforestry systems are known which have the advantages of wood-producing plants (commercial), food producers, and livestock feed. Besides the customized needs of harvesting system and no plants age, the ecological conditions are also maintained. And in addition also the needs of the societies can be fulfilled. While the condition of the state forests, state forests are planted with forest / trees kind and most of the rest and pemanenanya thoroughly. So adequate well functioning economy, while ecological conditions will be damaged.