Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mangrove Land Degradation

          As we know that Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world with 18 000 islands both inhabited or not. Not uncommon along the lip or the coastal mangrove forest area is found. Mangrove forest is the vegetation that grows between tide lines. The difference with coastal forests, areas that are along the edge of the sea and generally have sand or soil structure sometimes geluhan sand, which is strongly influenced by tides. Mangrove forests are generally scattered throughout the territory of Indonesia. Mangrove plants are multifunctional and also a lot of benefit to biodiversity of a place. Indicating the existence of mangrove forest area is still clean and natural. Mangrove Forest Ecology very big impact for the life-marine biota as well as around it. Mangrove A simple example can be used as habitat for shore birds, fish and crustaceans. Another benefit is even mangrove mangroves can absorb CO2 in the air effectively, lowering the temperature (to prevent global warming), breaking waves, preventing abrasion and lowered sea level. Vegetation consists of mangrove forests that make it up-vegatasi among others, from family Avicenniaceae, Sonneratiaceae, Rhizophoraceae, and Aracaceae.        
       Mangrove forest ecosystems have ecological functions, economic and social importance in development, particularly in coastal areas. However, the condition of mangrove forests in Indonesia continues to experience widespread damage and reduction of the speed of damage reached 530 000 ha / year.While rate of addition of the total area of ​​mangrove rehabilitation can be realized is still much slower than the rate of damage, which is only about 1973 ha / year. Similarly, the condition of mangrove forest in West Sumatra is only 4.7% is good, while 95.3% in damaged condition. Therefore, the necessary efforts to restore degraded mangrove forest in order to return to their function for human welfare and support the development of coastal areas. Increased awareness and public knowledge about the importance of the existence of mangroves in supporting the economic life of coastal communities need to continue to be encouraged. Community participation in mangrove rehabilitation and management can be the key to the success of mangrove conservation. These efforts must be accompanied by an increase in public welfare, for example through the activities silvofishery, harvesting (such as: wood, palm sap, mud crab, mangrove oysters, etc.) as well as sustainable tourism development. Issue a tsunami can be a trigger to encourage re-rehabilitation of damaged mangrove forest on the west coast of Sumatra in order to reduce the damaging effects of the tsunami, given the west coast of Sumatra is a path that could potentially cause a tsunami earthquake.

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