Factors will affect the extent of dune vegetation in a coastal area . Vegetation can both control the dune area , the area near the coastal dune vegetation will be narrow . Can break down the dune vegetation will be destroyed so that the dune . So with the formation of the dune vegetation will reduce the level of abarasi coast caused by wind and waves . Conditions of coastal vegetation in Parangkusumo generally dominated by plants of the formation such Ipomea pes -capre , Spinifex , Calatropis gigantea , and types - other types of beach grass . Woody plants are evergreen contained shrimp ( dominant ) and other woody plants such as Acacia mangium , Papyrus , and Gamal . Woody plants are scattered and not in formation as intentionally planted by the community . Form of utilization of the surrounding community is utilizing the dune land for agricultural crops .
Dune shape is influenced by the wind direction , slope , and topography . From the observation in Parangkusumo there are two forms of the dune is crescent shape Spherical and Parabolic shape . Crescent shape is formed because of the wind that blows from sea to land then reflected by the hills around Parangkusumo so will experience repulsion . Wind direction will be reversed so that the sand dunes as the wind boost to make a sand dune hollow like a crescent moon . General direction of the dune basin leads to the beach . While the parabolic shape is formed due to the sea breeze impulse toward dune so the shape becomes concave . The parabolic shape is commonly seen in the dune immediately adjacent to the coast because the sea breeze is directly about it . The existence of factors will influence the breadth parabolic vegetation . The more dense vegetation that formed the parabolic dune will narrow .
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